"Angels in the Snow" is a book and potential movie (with movie screenplay) centered around a beautiful woman, Jenny, who experiences a series of mysterious twists in her story timeline that lead her to confront the abortion issue that she is facing. The quaint narrative intertwines Jenny's experiences with a detective investigating a possible suicide, a family's heartwarming Christmas traditions, a dark and terrible nightmare, a lonely, broken woman who has false memories and a powerful conclusion to the story that is sure to warm the heart. It also details the author's personal journey as an abortion survivor and his Biblical and moral arguments against abortion. The book uses Jenny's story to advocate for the pro-life movement, emphasizing the value of human life from conception and highlighting the consequences of abortion. The author, Heath Goodman, shares his own life story, marked by birth defects potentially linked to his mother's abortion attempt, to further underscore the book's message and encourage readers to engage in pro-life activism.