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Angels in the Snow

By Heath Christopher Goodman

"Angels in the Snow" is a book and potential movie (with movie screenplay) centered around a beautiful woman, Jenny, who experiences a series of mysterious twists in her story timeline that lead her to confront the abortion issue that she is facing. The quaint narrative intertwines Jenny's experiences with a detective investigating a possible suicide, a family's heartwarming Christmas traditions, a dark and terrible nightmare, a lonely, broken woman who has false memories and a powerful conclusion to the story that is sure to warm the heart. It also details the author's personal journey as an abortion survivor and his Biblical and moral arguments against abortion. The book uses Jenny's story to advocate for the pro-life movement, emphasizing the value of human life from conception and highlighting the consequences of abortion. The author, Heath Goodman, shares his own life story, marked by birth defects potentially linked to his mother's abortion attempt, to further underscore the book's message and encourage readers to engage in pro-life activism.


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About the Book

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Main Themes:

  • Abortion: This is the central theme of the book, explored through a fictional narrative and personal testimony. The author vehemently opposes abortion, considering it murder and a societal ill.
  • Forgiveness and Redemption: Despite the gravity of abortion, Goodman believes in the possibility of forgiveness and redemption for those involved, including those who have had abortions, those who facilitated them, and those who passively condoned the practice.
  • Christian Morality: The book promotes a traditional Christian morality based on biblical teachings, emphasizing the sanctity of life, the importance of family, and the need for repentance and adherence to God's will.
  • Societal Decay and Moral Relativism: Goodman critiques contemporary society for its embrace of moral relativism, hedonism, and self-centeredness, attributing these trends to a decline in religious faith and adherence to God's laws.
  • Call to Action: The book concludes with a powerful call to action, urging readers to reject complacency and actively engage in fighting for the rights of the unborn and promoting a return to traditional Christian values.

Important Ideas and Facts:

  • Fictional Narrative: The book utilizes a fictional narrative centered around Jenny Daniels, a woman who experiences a supernatural encounter that forces her to confront the consequences of her past abortions.
  • Personal Testimony: Goodman interweaves his personal testimony as an abortion survivor, detailing the physical and emotional challenges he faced due to his mother's attempt to abort him.
  • Biblical Support: The book heavily relies on biblical passages to support its anti-abortion stance and critique of contemporary society, referencing verses on the sanctity of life, God's judgment, and the need for repentance.
  • Pro-Life Arguments: Goodman employs various pro-life arguments, including the belief that life begins at conception, the potential of unborn children, and the negative psychological and societal impacts of abortion.
  • Social Commentary: The book offers a scathing critique of modern society, condemning the normalization of abortion, the decline of the family unit, the rise of moral relativism, and the perceived complacency of the church.

Notable Quotes:

"A pregnancy terminated does not only kill a baby but also kills a mother... and might I add, a father too. For without a baby, these roles are null and void."

"Our current society and culture has completely forgotten or abandoned the ways of God and His holy Word of truth."

"Do not digest this story and these after thoughts without careful reflection on what part you may play today in saving the lives of many dear children!"

"The measure of God's mercy goes far beyond the measure of our sins."

"I am a 'brand plucked out of the fire.' And I need to try to pluck others from the fire as well. I know I can make a difference. Therefore I will do what I can."

About the Author

Heath Christopher Goodman

Meet The Author: Heath Christopher Goodman (1967 - ∞) (because he's gonna live forever) was born in Ft Wayne Indiana with multiple birth defects to a few of his fingers, in other words, one of a kind, designer hands. Before that, he survived an attempted abortion. Death has tried to take him out many times since then. However, by God's grace and purposes, he still lingers in this fallen world for only God knows how much longer. Heath was licensed to preach at Milton Avenue Baptist Church in Brownwood Texas in 1985 at the age of 18 and ordained by the Missionary Methodist Church while attending Youth With A Mission in the late 1990s. He has a passion to give his testimony and preach the Word of God.

Heath is a speaker, a writer, a songwriter, singer and small business owner. He has worked for many missions and ministries throughout the years including Youth With A Mission, Last Days Ministries (the late Kieth Green's ministry), His Touch Ministries, ALARM, acronym for (A Longing After Revival Ministry), Breckenridge Village, Calvary Commission, Christian Community Fellowship, The Cross Worship Ministry and My Brother's Keeper Charities & Missions to name a few. Heath loves street preaching, doing missionary work and evangelism. He is available to give his testimony, to speak passionately on everything from the abortion issue or to preach the whole counsel of God in a spirit of love and mercy but without compromising the truth. He resides in a suburb of Atlanta Georgia with his wife, Marivania, his daughter and a son.

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